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Vaccination Record Upload
Vaccination Record Upload
Vaccination Record Upload
Vaccination Record Upload

Our kennels are inside and climate-controlled with a dog door to access their own outdoor run! I also have a large fenced-in area for lots of playtime and exercise! I charge $25/night for one dog and $20/night for any additional!


I just ask that you provide up-to-date records upon arrival or upload a picture of their Vaccination records for Rabies, Bordatella, and Parvo. Also, provide their food so there aren’t any dietary issues!


Drop-off and Pick-up are very flexible between 7am and 7pm. All we ask is notification via 334-344-0914 approximately 30 minutes prior. Pick-up on Sundays is from 12:30 to 7pm. If necessary, after-hours Pick-up may be scheduled.


By providing a phone number you are agreeing to receive text messages from Countryside Kennels 

Thanks for booking!

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